go and see art

go and see art

go and see art

a progressive web app to view and buy geolocated art through augmented reality

launch app

a progressive web app to view and buy geolocated art through augmented reality

launch app

a progressive web app to view and buy geolocated art through augmented reality

launch app


take a road trip to view your favorite artist's masterpieces


artwork through AR


once you are within 15 meters of the art, you can buy it!




what is locatia?

locatia is a progressive web application that allows people to view, buy, and sell geolocated digital art through AR

how to "go" to artwork?

search artwork by collection name, click on the piece, and then click the latitude longitude to get directions with google maps

how to "see" artwork?

click on the artwork icon and then click on the "AR" button to enter the AR page. for apple, click the cube in the top right corner. for andriod, click the "Enter AR" button

how to test before drop?

navigate to https://mumbai.locatia.app and search your collection address to view.

call for artists

call for artists

call for artists